
resource guide on the knowledge of poetry

Here you will find all of our available poetry below. For us poetry has its own heartbeat that has the ability to connect with the reader/listener. It can also be considered a creative way to express what the writer is feeling. All poetry is in spoken word format on this page. The writer expresses poetry through voice. There are many different forms of poetry. A poet will also write a poem without ever speaking a word. These writers I call a silent killer; but not literal. A poet that writes without reciting has the ability to have a beat within the text. Poetry can have many meanings.

There are writers who write a poem for the reader to answer the question. We have poems that are a way to express a feeling that the writer is experiencing. Equally important there is never a one size fits all for a poem. We use our poetry platform to give African-American writers a voice. As a result this is a place where writers don’t have to feel like they have to be politically correct to thrive.  Each poem will give a description of the writer’s inspiration. If you wish to give your opinion of a particular writing press the like button and go over to our Chat Page to comment.  You will also find other conversations happening on our chat page.

Our community is always growing; so be sure to join in on current events. Also while visiting if you have poetry topics that you would like for us to write about  send us an email.  Writing is an amazing way to talk about what you are feeling. You don’t have to be a poet to journal either. Just write it down exactly the way the feeling came to your mind. We are seeking poets who are passionate about they’re craft. All poets must recite their writings for our audio that will go along with the writing.

 Furthermore We currently have a large selection of art for our visitors to listen to. There is also a lot of art to come in the near future because we won’t let you get bored. Urban poems actually care that quality work is produced for you. Enjoy listening to all of our poetry below.

resource guide on the knowledge of poetry

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(Poem) "HalleluYah" The inspiration for this poem is an expression of my love for Yah. HalleluYah -Author Urban Poems- All…
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War hope & reunited

(Poem) "War, hope & reunited" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: War hope & reunited is the war on the black race has been relentless. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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(Poem) "Watch" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Watch is I am no longer running from the hate. I will use all inspiration and hate as motivation. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only….
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Freedom Of Speech

(Poem) "Freedom Of Speech" My inspiration for writing this poem (Freedom Of Speech) is the freedom to speak should be free to all people. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is…
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Don’t Sing 2 Me

(Poem) "Don't Sing 2 Me" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Don't Sing 2 Me Is I am tired of evil needing genuine people to sustain. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This…
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Power In Me

(Poem) "Power In Me" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Power In Me is my enemies weapons continue to place me on higher grounds. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem…
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Get There Walking

(Poem) "I'll Get There Walking" This poem (Get There Walking) was inspired by how tiring the constant task of life can be. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled I'll…
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The Prayer

(Poem) "The Prayer" My Inspiration for this poem (The Prayer) is life, family and just trying to start over to be a better person. -Author Thomas McRae- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is…
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This Is Not It

(Poem) "This Is Not It" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: This Is Not It is people are just not right in this generation old and young. I will not allow the evil in this world to turn my…
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You The Baddest

(Poem) "You The Baddest" This poem (You The Baddest) Is inspired by just wanting to say that you are valued. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled You The Baddest….
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True To Me

(Poem) "True To Me" My Inspiration for writing this poem "True To Me" is we are expected to act as identical humans with no expression of feelings. When you refuse to go along to get along, those that chose to…
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A Child No More

(Poem) "A Child No More" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: A Child No More is I will no longer fight meaningless battles. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is…
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Backwards 🌎

(Poem) "Backwards 🌎" The Inspiration for this poem is how backwards 🌎 society has become. Society has changed drastically in the past century. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled…
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2 My Creator

(Poem) "2 My Creator" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: 2 My Creator is laugh now cry later. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled (2 My Creator). Artistic…
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The Rose

(Poem) "The Rose" My Inspiration for writing this poem (The Rose) is always remember to water your soul on the easy and the hard days. "It is better to acknowledge yours woes than to be knocked off your toes." -Author…
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Broken Souls

(Poem) "Broken Souls" The inspiration for this poem (Broken Souls) is the increased push in society that makes being a individual not welcome. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled…
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Take A Bow

(Poem) "Take A Bow" My inspiration for writing "Take A Bow" is that everyone is playing a role. I rather sit in a room with an enemy who tells me they are my enemy; than a friend who is not…
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(Poem) "Jealousy" This poem was inspired by what feels like betrayal stemming from jealousy. This writing is to encourage the victims of this behavior. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is…
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Forever Bae

(Poem) "Forever Bae" The titled explains itself; this 3 part poem (Forever Bae) was inspired by my Forever Bae. ❤️ I love you times a 1000😘. I always pray that this is really forever. -Author Urban Poems- Part 1 Part…
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Life’s Mysteries

(Poem) "Life's Mysteries" My inspiration for writing "Life's Mysteries" is some of life's surprises can seem unbearable but we can't hide from life. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled…
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In Due Time

(Poem) "In Due Time" My inspiration for writing "In due time" is it seems the more you try to be a decent person, the more people give you problems. I wanted to give some validation to people going through this…
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What Is Freedom To You

(Poem) "What Is Freedom To You?" A friend inspired this poem (What Is Freedom To You) by asking me to write a poem about freedom. To me it can mean different things to different people. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry…
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(Poem) "Entitled" This poem was inspired by all of the entitled people that I have met in life. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Entitled. Artistic writing literature provides…
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Lake Of Souls

(Poem) "Lake Of Souls" This Poem (Lake Of Souls) was inspired by a reminder to not get left behind. Listen when you hear the warning calls. Help others always; just don't lose you in the process. -Author Urban Poems- All…
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Pest Control

(Poem) "Pest Control"  This poem (Pest Control) was inspired by someone murdering another person in order to control that person's future. It is the emotional stability of a toddler or less. Therefore I believe that if that wasn't the case…
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Win or Lose

(Poem) "Win or Lose" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Win or Lose is as long as do what is right, I win even if I lose in a natural sense. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems…
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Evil Voices

(Poem) "Evil Voices" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Evil Voices is I have met so many people with bad intentions. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled (Evil…
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Mama I Lovvve You

(Poem) "I Lovvve You Mama" This poem was Inspired by the want to express love for my mama. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled I Lovvve You Mama. Artistic…
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Social Anxiety

(Poem) "Social Anxiety" This Poem (Social Anxiety) is inspired by how the current conditions of the world have taken us out of our natural habitat. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem…
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The Enemy

(Poem) "The Enemy" My inspiration for writing this poem( The Enemy ) is because your perception determines your stance. -Author: Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled (The Enemy). Artistic writing…
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That’s On You

(Poem) "That's On You" My inspiration for writing this poem (That's On You) is because when you plot on people that did no wrong to you, you plan your own destruction. "A person with a hardened heart can not hear…
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The Dove In Me

(Poem) "The Dove In Me" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: The Dove In Me is because I will always keep moving forward with a pure heart. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only….
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Pill Red Or Blue

(Poem) "Red Pill Blue Pill" The inspiration for this poem (Red Pill Or Blue) is as humans we have a choice. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Red Pill…
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Sober Minds

(Poem) "Sober Minds" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Sober Minds is to say treat your mind like gold, it's the only thing you really own in this world. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for…
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America’s Heroes

(Poem) "America's Heroes" The inspiration for this poem America's Heroes is a reminder that the world has devalued black and all melanated communities for their own purposes. In addition to give encouragement that there is hope if we apply ourselves….
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Becoming Peace

(Poem) "Becoming Peace" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Becoming Peace is me choosing peace over and over again. I choose peace for myself and nobody else. Peace starts within by choosing not to allow your obstacles to define…
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No Individuality

(Poem) "No Individuality" This poem (No Individuality) was inspired by all of the people who are shape shifters. Therefore these types take characteristics from different people to become a fake version of themselves. Don't take this poem personal. I definitely…
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Serpent Dreams

(Poem) "Serpent Dreams" This poem (Serpent Dreams) was inspired by someone attempting to plant thoughts in your head. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Serpent Dreams. Artistic writing literature…
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Reaching Peace

(Poem) "Reaching Peace" My Inspiration for writing this poem (Reaching Peace) is there are times when you just need to stop and relax your mind. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem…
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(Poem) "Decisions" This poem (Decisions) was inspired by people who shame you. In Order to achieve the vision that they have for you. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled…
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Fake Love

(Poem) "Fake Love" The Inspiration for this poem (Fake Love) was the heartbreaking realization that everyone that you love does not love you back. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is…
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(Poem) "Un-tied" My inspiration for writing (Un-tied) is me knowing that there will always be adversity in life; but it won't stop me from moving forward. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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Cheer Up

(Poem) "Cheer Up" My inspiration for writing (Cheer Up) is I want you to laugh today or at least smile. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Cheer up. Artistic…
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Evil Is Weak

(Poem) "Evil Is Weak" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Evil Is Weak is it is a very weak trait to become consumed in evil. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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Me And You

(Poem) "Me And You" My Inspiration for writing (Me and You) is we are all on our own journey in our relationship with the Most High. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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In Return

(Poem) "In Return" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: In Return is every person that rises against someone that has done them no wrong will be judged as the Most High sees fit. Once again laugh now cry later….
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Meditation Forced

(Poem) "Forced Meditation" The inspiration for this poem (Forced Meditation) is the push through television, social media, and society that constantly shows the black community in a certain light to make us believe it. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at…
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Simply Distractions

(Poem) "Simply Distractions" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Simply Distractions is we are all in an individual battle of good and evil. Some of us still fight to choose good and some fight the good in you. Author:…
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Look At Us

(Poem) "Look At Us" My inspiration for writing this poem (Look At Us) is we are slowly losing our humanity everyday due to the "conveniences" and desensitization in this world. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for…
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Love Shed

(Poem) "Love Shed" This poem (Love Shed) inspiration is the destruction of the black mind. Which is occurring from manipulation, brain washing, abuse, and convincing us to be comfortable all by design. Oppression comes in many forms. -Author Urban Poems-…
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Slavery Is Back

(Poem) "Slavery Is Back" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Slavery Is Back, is there is a covert operation going on to harass, intimidate, embarrass etc. anyone who speaks out about the wrong being done stemming from the hearts…
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My Weapons

(Poem) "My Weapons" This poem (My Weapons) is inspired because God has fought and won my battles. Throughout the test of time prayer has been consistent. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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Spiritual Sight

(Poem) "Spiritual Sight" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Spiritual Sight is no matter what barriers are placed, I will follow the spirit of the Most High. I will never blame the Most High for my downfalls or for…
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(Poem) "Struggling" This poem inspiration struggling is the effects of a victim mindset. Struggling is also a word request from a visitor. -Author Urban Poems- Struggling pt2 Is inspired by a person that is misunderstood in the midst of their…
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This Is Peace

(Poem) "This Is Peace" This poem (This Is Peace) was inspired by the amazing feeling of sitting outside enjoying the sun. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled This Is…
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No Unity

(Poem) "No Unity" This poem ( NO-Unity) was inspired by the sad reality of our people. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled No Unity. Artistic writing literature provides concentrated…
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Not So Fun

(Poem) "Not So Fun" My inspiration for writing this poem "Not So Fun" is that the game is always fun until you lose. You can be a winner and lose a board game but you will always win in the…
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God Didn’t Stutter

(Poem) "God Didn't Stutter" The inspiration for writing (God Didn't Stutter) is most times the people that say someone else is in a cult don't even follow or understand the bible they claim is their manual for their own religious…
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Fuck Yo Version

(Poem) "Fuck Yo Version" This poem (Fuck Yo Version) was inspired by the free will to express yourself. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Fuck Yo Version. Artistic writing…
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Smiling Faces

(Poem) "Smiling Faces" The inspiration for this poem (Smiling Faces) is all of the amazing people that will visit Urban Poems. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Smiling Faces….
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Ah Hehe Hell

(Poem) "Ah Hehe Hell" I was inspired to write this poem (Ah Hehe Hell) because black television downplays the fight of activists. It seems to try to portray them as if they have mental issues for wanting to be treated…
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No Crumbs

(Poem) "No Crumbs" My inspiration for writing "No Crumbs" is I would rather be alone than be in a room full of people that are not genuine. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This…
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(Poem) "Silence" My inspiration for writing "Silence" is that I just got tired of talking. I started to feel like I was talking to brick walls. Everyone is living in a dog eat dog mindset, so they assume you are…
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Dead To Me

(Poem) "Dead To Me" This poem "Dead To Me" is personal to me. It is inspired by people who I wanted nothing but the best for them. In return they wanted the worst for me. This entire poem is how…
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A Moment

(Poem) "A Moment" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: A Moment is a reminder that it is necessary to relax your mind and heart of grief at times even when times are hard. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at…
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I Won’t Forget

(Poem) "I Won't Forget" My inspiration for writing this poem (I Won't Forget) is a reminder that if a person shows no remorse always remember how they treated you; even when you forgive them. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at…
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Be True

(Poem) "Be True" The inspiration for this poem (Be True) is to say that we are human not robots; and don't let nobody tell you any different. -Author Urban Poems-. All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This…
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I Don’t Like You

(Poem) "I Don't Like You" This poem(I Don't Like You) was inspired by trying to forgive someone who is not worthy. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled I Don't…
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Ask If God Hears

(Poem) "Ask If God Hears" This inspiration was for this poem (Ask If God Hears) is God Is the all Powerful. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Ask If…
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Awake Again

(Poem) "Awake Again" This Poem (Awake Again) Is inspired by God's Grace. Also to express that you do have the strength to pull through challenges that you may endure. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression…
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The Slave Mind

(Poem) "The Slave Mind" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: The Slave Mind is black people have not learned to see the tricks of those that persecute. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only….
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Enemies Clear

(Poem) "Clear Enemies" The inspiration for this poem (Clear Enemies) is the traits of frenemies. -Author Urban Poems- Clear Enemies revised version. ⬇️ All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Clear Enemies. Artistic…
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Repair The Breach

(Poem) "Repair The Breach" My inspiration for writing this poem "Repair The Breach" is always needing to look towards what can be done instead of what is not possible. There are times when you keep swinging until you hit the…
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Quiet Place

(Poem) "Quiet Place" My Inspiration for writing this poem (Quiet Place) is sometimes the noise becomes overwhelming. This is for the days when you don't want to be expressive; when you just need a moment to exist without defending or…
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(Poem) "Suspense" This poem (Suspense) was inspired by a serpents way of changing. Suspense is for the tone. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Suspense. Artistic writing literature provides…
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Cult Of Hate

(Poem) "Cult Of Hate" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Cult Of Hate is the things that men and women have done to me is unimaginable evil. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only….
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Win Inside

(Poem) "Win Inside" My inspiration for writing this poem (Win Inside) is a spirit led by its flesh, is destined to be eaten by its host. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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Is This Life?

(Poem) "Is This Life?" My inspiration for writing (Is This Life) is the hamster wheel that society has created. By no means am I saying to quit your jobs but I am saying use them as a stepping stone to…
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Value Yourself

(Poem) "Value Yourself" The inspiration for this poem (Value Yourself) is that a lot of young men and women grow up trying to find value in the wrong place. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression…
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Stop Stressing

(Poem) "Stop Stressing" The inspiration for this poem (Stop Stressing) is just a fun reminder to calm down and stay focused. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Stop Stressing….
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(Poem) "Boundaries" My Inspiration for writing this poem (Boundaries) is we have slowly lost our ability to say no to things that don't feel right. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem…
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Never Cross Yah

(Poem) "Never Cross Yah" The inspiration for this poem (Never Cross Yah) is reminiscing on each time that I went against God to please a person there were consequences. Each time that very same person would turn on me. It…
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(Poem) "Battlefield" The inspiration for this poem Battlefield is a reminder to not give in to the tug of war for your soul. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled…
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I Won

(Poem) "I Won" This poem (I Won)was inspired by a stressful week. Moreover, I decided to remotivate myself by knowing that there are better days ahead. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular…
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It Don’t Love

(Poem) "It Don't Love" The inspiration for writing (It Don't Love) is anything gained through wicked deeds is not worth having. This poem is about a person struggling with their own demon and the damage that the demon causes them…
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Spiritual War

(Poem) "Spiritual War" This poem (Spiritual War) inspiration can be described by Ephesians 6:12. Which is, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual…
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Peaceful Verbs

(Poem) "Peaceful Verbs" The Inspiration for this poem (Peaceful Verbs) is simply I don't like to argue. Once I say what I have to say, we can either agree or disagree. Either way I will not dwell in a place…
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Cry To The Black Man

(Poem) "Cry To The Black Man" The inspiration for this poem (Cry To The Black Man) was for our man to lead the community out of destruction. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This…
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I Love You

(Poem) "I Love You" The inspiration for this poem (I Love You) was to motivate someone that I love dearly. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled I Love You….
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A Place To Cry

(Poem) "A Place To Cry" My Inspiration for writing this poem (A Place To Cry) is at times you just have to step away from everyone and cry it out. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for…
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A Letter to Momma

"Poem" (A Letter to Momma) This poem "A Letter to Momma" inspires one to remember who they once were; and realize how they have allowed life to be a trap. Furthermore, this poem is a reminder to regain your strength…
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Still Flying

(Poem) "Still Flying" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Still Flying is the reality is things are not right in this world, but you do what you can and keep it moving. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban…
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No More

(Poem) "No More" My inspiration for writing this poem (No More) is wanting to be free from people that took my kindness for a weakness. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem…
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Free The People

(Poem) "Free The People" My Inspiration for writing this poem Titled: Free The People is practicing my given right to speak freely has caused me to be harassed. Author: Urban Poems All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only….
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Pick A Side

(Poem) "Pick A Side" This poem (Pick A Side) was inspired by the knowing that when you do what is in your heart there will be others who don't like it. You will face the creator alone. -Author Urban Poems-…
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Vibe High

(Poem) "Vibe High" Vibe high or die trying mfs in denial with their presentations so they live in illusions instead of actually producing anything, like getting married but disregarding the vows, mfs like to fill roles that make them feel…
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Spiritual Confliction

(Poem) "Spiritual Confliction" The inspiration for this poem (Spiritual Confliction) was the thought of two people who can't get along and there is no valid reason as to why. -Author Urban Poems- All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression…
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