Below are the all-time best Urban poems created by spoken word poets. Equally Important we have a variety of top urban poems. In addition we list new spoken word poetry in list format for all supporters of urban poems.
The Ultimate Guide To The Knowledge Of Urban Poems
Jump to new poems click here. Urban Poems is a space where African American voices can be heard in our own urban way. Our main category is urban poetry. In this article we will discuss urban poetry and its roots to African Americans. We will also discuss our mission. At Urban Poems we enjoy all poetry. There are many different tones to poetry that conveys the writer’s expression. There are great writers of poetry who are able to leave a person in amazement without ever reading their poem aloud. We must admit that we have a special place in our hearts for spoken word urban poetry. Spoken word poetry delivers the poem with the emotions of the writer. The raw emotion in spoken urban poetry gives a real connection to the listener.
Our Dedication
Fortunately Urban Poems/Poetry is dedicated and opening new avenues. Poetry is a way of giving back to our community. Therefore urban poets are the heart of making a difference. Likewise Urban Poems needs the help of the community to continue growing. Please share our urban poetry with your friends and family. If you are listed as a poet on Urban Poems you will always be like family here. Here at Urban Poems we are seeking poets who truly are passionate about their poetry. African-American poets are the root of poetry and hip-hop; which is poetry with a creative twist.
The examples of poetic talents in the urban black communities have been used to spread messages of sexual immorality, self-hatred, violence, and confusion amongst the youth. There is not enough light on hip-hop artists who bring uplifting messages to the black youth. With our platform we promise to always display poetry talent that is about building the black African American community. It is not a popularity contest; it is a passion contest. One that is not competitive, but genuine in each person’s capabilities. A poem is more of an expression than a rhyme. Poetry comes in many different forms. There is space for everyone just write what is in your heart and let it flow.
Learn to master the art of writing poetry by focusing on topics you are passionate about. Here you will discover popular examples of all types of urban poetry to read and enjoy. In our collection of urban poetry; we have written urban love poem, urban black poetry, urban spiritual poetry, and urban inspirational poems. Our poets are bringing the best in urban poetry; join our community.
You all will learn one of the main poetry resources which is; Everyone is a poet in their own way. Therefore writing a poem is just one of many different forms of poetry. A motivational speaker can be considered poetic or even just having a heart to heart conversation. Poetry is about relaying a feeling and message in a way that the listener can receive it. Many times poetry is used in sales pitch and advertising. The reason for poetry used in many fashions; is because word play is the most powerful form of relating to another person. Even so, poetry is like therapy for the writer and the reader. The writer of poetry is able to pour out their innermost thoughts. Following after the reader gets to relate because they may be living the same experience.
Poetry breaks the inner lines of being politically correct. Therefore it is a form of freedom to everyone that hears. Sometimes it seems the world has gotten so politically correct that outlets like poetry balance things out. In addition all poetry and it’s resources is a form of art; and there are no offenses in art. Each poetry piece speaks expressively to the person it relates to best. Just the same, there are many different fields that use poetic style. Comedians are also poets; they are able to say things in such a way that it can be offensive and everyone laughs. Nevertheless, writing a poem is a form of poetry in its own lane. You can learn to write a poem by expressing your innermost feelings in the most sincere way.
Examples Of Poets History
One of the first published African-American poets is Phillis Wheatley Peters. Therefore she is a great example of the history of African-American Urban Poetry. Phillis Wheatley Peters was born In West Africa on December 5, 1784. What’s more she was kidnapped and sold into slavery at the age of 7 to North America. Wheatley then learned to read and write as a African-American while also enduring her struggles as a slave. The publication in London of her Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral on September 1, 1773, brought her fame both in England and the American colonies. The history of black poets is very vital. History is a trail of people, places, and things.
Discoveries In Poetry
Melanated people discovered poetry before it was ever written about. Moreover here are some of the first written discoveries of poetry origins. The earliest forms of urban poetry were sung or recited to help people remember genealogy, laws, and oral history. The word “poetry” actually originated from the Greek term poesies. Which these discoveries came long after the art of poetry was first recited. The longest poem ever discoveries is the Mahabharata. In addition is an Indian epic poem dating back from the 4th century BC. Finally, It is a known fact that urban poetry is one of the oldest forms of communication, dating back to prehistoric times. For many writers poetry is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Although urban poetry has been around for many centuries; it is still used as a form of literature that uses rhythm qualities.
What is integrity? For us here at urban poems integrity is a standard that is rooted in your heart. Integrity can not be taken away or swayed. It is a belief system that is placed above any material gain. The creator of Urban poems learned what integrity was at 21 years old. At that time she was tired of going along to get along. She didn’t get integrity right every time.
There were ups and downs for a few years, but she eventually built a level of unbreakable faith in following the things in your heart that urges you to make a positive change. Which she says, “only the the creator of the earth can give you unbreakable integrity.” Integrity is the feeling that makes you say no to eating feces for a million dollars, to keep it straight to the point. We must have integrity when using our poetic or creative abilities in order to stimulate growth.
A long Island slave, by the name of John Hammond, was a conservative in his thinking. He intended for his poems to be like moral guides. In addition his form of poetry was original in style and content. His poetry had an urban tone to it as did all African-American poets. What set him apart in poetry is that he wrote based on integrity rather than popularity. The first poem that he published was “An Evening Thought” in the year (1761). Equally Important he set a great example for African- American poets that were published after him.
Maya Angelou
One of the most famous African-American urban poets “Maya Angelou” had an award winning poetic style. Her voice was like a rhythm all on its own. What’s more you could hear that poetry was a part of her and not the other way around. She owned the art that she put out in her poetry. Furthermore She began writing early in her career, alternating the publication of an autobiography and a volume of poetry. Her first poem, Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘fore I Diiie, published in 1971 shortly after Caged Bird. Which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, and became a best-seller.
As we encourage members of our community to share with us the reason why they love poetry; we will share their expressions with you.
Monica says, “Poetry is like reading someone’s feeling raw and unedited. It is like a novel but with shortness and urgency in delivery. The presentation of poetry can convey those feelings with so much more passion.”
Erica who is an advocate of Urban Poems says, “Poetry brings your thoughts together by allowing you to express yourself and your ideas better. What’s more the art allows you to see your writing differently and provides a deeper understanding of the language.”
Marcus is active in the community of advocating for black youth. He states, “Beautiful poetry expresses emotion, and perhaps what makes poems most magical, is that they can mean anything – they are for interpretation rather than argument. Reading beautiful poetry can bring us joy, but understanding their true meaning allows us to connect, relate, and find meaning in our own experiences.”
As Joseph stated so beautifully, “After the poem is written there is a certain sense of calm as we no longer hold the burden of our confession. We feel lighter and relieved. You may initially struggle with starting a poem, however it does become easier with practice. The key is to let your thoughts wander and write what comes to mind.”
Nick who is an amazing person says, “The earliest forms of poetry were called epic poems and dates back thousands of years. Poetry can paint a picture in our minds that makes us feel a certain type of way.”
Tabitha who is a poet states, “Poetry is great at asking questions, at destabilizing and making us look at things in a different way, incorporating a diversity of voices of ways of thinking. That’s what poetry is for. So it’s a very powerful medium for diverse voices to speak and for other people to then listen to those voices.”
If you enjoy poetry, you will love Urban Poems. Therefore don’t be afraid to apply if you are a poet. Your application will be reviewed and you will get an email notifying you if your poem will be listed. In addition, be prepared to recite your poem. Furthermore we just love hearing your beautiful voices; it’s like the heart of the writer.
Take A Tour
Additionally Urban Poems have values for standing by our integrity in poetry and in life. Urban poetry is an ancient art that has been around since before poetry became its name. Poetry is not just a pursuit for Urban Poems, it is a passion. Remember to check Urban poems for updates as we always have new urban content. Don’t hesitate to check out Urban Poems chat group. To contact Urban poems please use our contact page.
Our favorite featured poems are down below here at Urban Poems. You will also see Urban Poems Favorite quotes from famous black poets. You can read about the creator of Urban Poems on our about page. Tried and true Urban poems is a place that wants all of our voices to be heard with integrity. Also with freedom of thought in your urban poetry. Not to mention Urban poetry is the type of poetry that is relatable.
As always, Urban poems want to hear from you. Also Urban Poetry is a place for encouraging all people to do the healing work. In Urban Poems blog we write many encouraging messages. The hope is for Urban Poems to be a healthy community for poetry. Our Urban blog is updated often. If you don’t get it by now that urban poems are the best place for everything urban; then we love you anyway. As mentioned Urban Poems is very thankful for those who support urban poets.
💛About Our Blog💛
In this article we will talk about the mission of Urban Poems Blog. Our poetry blog is mainly about thoughts and feelings to different situations or a feeling. Therefore in our urban blog there are many interesting articles that are updated often with new posts. Poetry is a feeling expressed in an urgent, sometimes gentle or even erratic manner. Moreover In our urban poetry blog we will go into detail of our thoughts; like reviewing all of the crevices of the feeling. Most of our urban blogs are inspirational. We currently have two blog categories; which are our Feeling Blog and our Poetry Today Blog.
❤️Featured Poems❤️
Featured poems are chosen based on popularity. In addition if you are a poet your poem could be featured. Furthermore submit an application to be a candidate.
“Ask If God Hears”
They say, you don’t have a choice… Voting is your voice. They say, the president, is your only source. So we’re forced, to Bow down to man, make sure you follow your oppressors plan.….
“No Unity”
Since the days of Moses our enemies always had the same focus… They say, break their unity to break black communities….
“What Is Freedom To You?”
What is freedom to you? Is it a pill when feeling blue? When you’re tired and feeling through.. Some say freedom belongs to few… but there’s a different point of view… So I ask, what is freedom to you?…..
I like to think I am often described as one of a few things. The description is largely based on who you ask. At work I can be described as quiet due to my introverted nature. I like to think of myself as very social except most of the thoughts are never spoken. The people closest to me will describe me as a person who talks non-stop. Oftentimes I am very passionate about the topics that interest me.
For some, due to my outspoken nature on things that I am passionate about; I can come off as too serious. How do I describe myself, you ask? Well I would say, “I am a butterfly that embraced the struggle of finding my way out of the cocoon. The fight is necessary for the butterfly to survive or else it would die. Once I made it out I started to learn when to be quiet and when to speak loud and clear. When to hide and when to appear. I am a poet. In addition I am a child of the Most High God of the earth and the heavens. Furthermore I am a survivor; we all are if we live to see tomorrow.
Poetry is my passion. The urban kind in every way. I speak from my heart in my urban slang. Poetry is my real true thang. Although I am an introverted soul, poetry makes my voice cry bold. This rhythm is a rhyme I choose to hold. I will love poetry even when I am old. Always placing the almighty God above all things. I tell you anyway although there is no reason to be told. You can see it in my pose. I will always be like the concrete rose.
Here at Urban Poems we are a community. If you believe in the work being done with our poetry like and share our website with someone or everyone. At first I thought this was a journey, but journeys come to an end. This community will always be until the end of life itself; which is technically a journey but not a changing journey. This journey only consists of growth and expansion. Join us here at Urban Poems where we are a family.