Man reading poetry titled Pick A Side

(Poem) “Pick A Side”

This poem (Pick A Side) was inspired by the knowing that when you do what is in your heart there will be others who don’t like it. You will face the creator alone. -Author Urban Poems-

There is a cuss word used in this poem; not a curse word. Curse words are words or sentences used in ill will towards another person. Example Psalm 109:17  As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. Just the same as blessing is to do good cursing is to do harm. As you can see from this scripture and many others with the actual words curse or cursing in it that the meaning is to despitely cause harm to another with your mouth or actions. You can “curse” someone without using a “cuss” word.

There are still considerations

In spite of that, I do believe that it is discourteous to use cuss words recklessly; even if they aren’t used to cause harm.

Today I sit and think, no matter what you do… You gonna make somebody unhappy.. I  think that’s why most people just try to keep it classy.. With no genuine bonds in this new world making us all whacky… So fuck it, I choose to tacky.. You think you being sassy.. While throwing shade with a smile knowing yo attitude is snappy..  Why you mad because my hair nappy.. I’m drawing a line in the sand because I could never make human brand happy.. I chose my hand.. between the Most High Yah and Man.. I had to pick a side.. Because two tracks can never be ran.. Unless you switching sides so maybe it can.. I love when the fake ones show their true colors that they can’t stand me.. So I’m firm on where I stand.. Following Yah’s plan.. He makes life worth living.. He might bless me with some land… Somewhere safe from where his wrath lands.. He might bless me with a full life span.. After that, I’m tryna get to heaven to join in with the Holy band.. I chose my side, father Yah I’m your biggest fan..

All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Pick A Side. Artistic writing literature provides concentrated awareness; that is imaginative. Some forms of creative text attempt to express truths about life, tell a story, or honor God. In addition many different styles cause difficulty in defining. There are 9 different forms of poetry. What’s more, these forms are Haiku; which is an ancient form of Japanese expressions. There is free verse and it is a modern version. Its meaning is the freedom to write in any form.

 Furthermore 14 lines Sonnet writers deal with love. Moreover there is Acrostic, which spells out a name, word, phrase or message with the first letter of each line of the poem. Made up of 19 lines and five stanzas of three lines goes by the name of Villanelle. Limerick creations are funny and at times can be rude. Ode Musically performed pieces are nice on the ears. Particular subject Elegy is clear and direct. Last but not least there is Ballad that typically tells a dramatic emotional story.

Full literature on poetry here.

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I hope you did too
9 months ago

I chose my side

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