
Here you will find all daily quotes from Urban poems. We have a lot of inspiring daily quotes that we love to share with you all. Therefore tuning in with you all daily is important to us. Connecting through brief messages is our way of staying connected. A simple message can confirm that someone else understands a particular topic. Oftentimes quotes inspire us to think about things from a different view. With that, it is similar to a short poem; and can express a lifetime in one sentence. Everything we do here is truly from our hearts. Every creation is dipped in passion.

Daily inspiration, motivation, and real talk will be posted here in short form. In addition If you want to go deeper read our blogs or even listen to some of our poetry. Here we have created a space where it is okay to express yourself through all emotional ranges. As long as you respect others; you are fine with us. We just love art and creating things while making a difference. What’s more it’s all about just being honest with yourself. While also expressing your thoughts with the world. It’s a big world so use your voice to make a difference; even if you only talk to one person.

All Quotes ⬇️
Fighting Decoys

Fighting Decoys



You Called The Wrong Number

You Called The Wrong Number

Do Better Walmart

Do Better Walmart

Free Your Mind

Free Your Mind

Worth Is In Integrity

Worth Is In Integrity

Can’t Mix The Two

Can’t Mix The Two

Take Back Control Of You

Take Back Control Of You

I’m Good

I’m Good

Stronger Everyday

Stronger Everyday

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