(Poem) “Boundaries”
My Inspiration for writing this poem (Boundaries) is we have slowly lost our ability to say no to things that don’t feel right. We allow this system to villainize our helpers and leaders by dividing us from good counsel all to poison our subconscious mind.
-Author Urban Poems-
Being too nice has ruined everything.
Let’s take a look back at the whole scene.
Everyone is gay since the delusion of the LGBTQ queens. Why did inclusion have to mean exclusion of the way God made queens…
Black people are in a daze since the fall of leaders like Martin Luther King.. His methods of love and knowing how to fight caused change to intervene..
Martin knew that his enemies were not white, but the system causing friction in between… Now that I know better, I stand beside Martin in, I had a dream.
At one point I blamed the man for trying until I learned that he led a great revolution giving me the power to be considered a human being…
He knew all along that the tending of segregation was a part of a bigger scheme. To control the black mind by stealing our self-esteem. Trying to lead his people is why he took one for the team.
He kindly demanded equal rights showing us how to fight a wicked system and stay lean.
This was never about the everyday man, black or white.
The government stealing our boundaries is the part that really stings.
You can respect another human and still say no to certain ways that they bring.
The only thing deaf ears can hear is grace, forgiveness, and is the money green?
Let’s not forget about blood clots and how saving humanity required taking vaccines.
Let’s just admit that being too nice gave passive aggressive his wings.
As long as they say it nice,
they could pretend that it wasn’t meant to be mean.
The manual on how to be nice turned humans into robotic machines.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tapping out of the fake smiles ring.
Everyone was more loving when keeping it real was a thing.
I can’t pretend anymore that this is not what it seems.
All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled (Boundaries). Artistic writing literature provides concentrated awareness; that is imaginative. Some forms of creative text attempt to express truths about life, tell a story, or honor God. In addition many different styles cause difficulty in defining. There are 9 different forms of poetry. What’s more, these forms are Haiku; which is an ancient form of Japanese expressions. There is free verse and it is a modern version. Its meaning is the freedom to write in any form.
Furthermore 14 lines Sonnet writers deal with love. Moreover there is Acrostic, which spells out a name, word, phrase or message with the first letter of each line of the poem. Made up of 19 lines and five stanzas of three lines goes by the name of Villanelle. Limerick creations are funny and at times can be rude. Ode Musically performed pieces are nice on the ears. Particular subject Elegy is clear and direct. Last but not least there is Ballad that typically tells a dramatic emotional story.
Full literature on poetry here.