(Poem) “Ask If God Hears”
This inspiration was for this poem (Ask If God Hears) is God Is the all Powerful. -Author Urban Poems-
They say, you don’t have a choice… Voting is your voice.
They say, the president, is your only source. So we’re forced, to
Bow down to man, make sure you follow your oppressors plan.Playing chess with the devil, while they play you out your hand. Mannn… I say, I been
voting for 10 years, but never checked to see if God still hears. Mann.. As I
I cry, I know that God Heals tears. I can’t help but wonder how it made God feel.
While we cast him aside, because they said pick a side. So we voted anyway..
saying the change is coming soon they’ll change right away! but it’s
been many days. Their plan is still the same played out in different ways.Yeah, maybe a few of you don’t have physical chains… but that don’t change the
fact that they still got your brains. Bow down on your knees, ask God,
if he still sees.Ask your father for forgiveness for forgetting his plan and trusting in man.
Tell him that you’re sorry, because you went off course. Yeah, I know it felt like
force, but you were still coerced. Ask him for your voice, and this time make the right choice!
All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled Ask If God Hears. Artistic writing literature provides concentrated awareness; that is imaginative. Some forms of creative text attempt to express truths about life, tell a story, or honor God. In addition many different styles cause difficulty in defining. There are 9 different forms of poetry. What’s more, these forms are Haiku; which is an ancient form of Japanese expressions. There is free verse and it is a modern version. Its meaning is the freedom to write in any form.
Furthermore 14 lines Sonnet writers deal with love. Moreover there is Acrostic, which spells out a name, word, phrase or message with the first letter of each line of the poem. Made up of 19 lines and five stanzas of three lines goes by the name of Villanelle. Limerick creations are funny and at times can be rude. Ode Musically performed pieces are nice on the ears. Particular subject Elegy is clear and direct. Last but not least there is Ballad that typically tells a dramatic emotional story.
Full literature on poetry here.