Book titled why do I care

The Battlefield

Why do I care; is what Demarcus asked himself. His journey has been long but yet it has just begun. As he stands and looks down at those who tried to take his strength from him he feels sorrow. There is a part of him that understands his enemies. As they lay trapped in the pitted ground he hesitates with the decision to pull the lever and bury them in the hole they dug for him. Their names are The Longings. Demarcus was drawn to that part of them. Nevertheless that part of them is what they use as weapons to destroy their enemies. Their enemy is the combination of inner strength and hope. The longing within them gives them the power to reflect back anything that you are. When this happens they are able to soften the hearts of their targets.

Memories Of Sweet Eyes

Once the target’s heart is softened, The Longing’s powers start to work. It is a slow but effective poison. This poison drains you of all of your strength and hope. Not only do you lose your strength and hope The Longings are temporarily able to gain strength and hope from taking yours. Which is why Demarcus is burdened with the thought of “why do I care.” Once all of your strength and hope is taken you become one of them. That is the part that causes Demarcus pain when it is time to pull the lever. Although they tried to destroy him; he looks deep within their eyes and he can see what used to be hope turned into unyielding pain. Nevertheless not all of them are the same.
Sadly, some were born into The Longings and when he looks into their eyes he sees the constant thirst for blood. I know that it’s hard to believe but some of them were once good people.

Recognizing Of Weapons

Nonetheless they had no compassion for Demarcus when The Longing slandered him to break his strength of character. The organizers of The Longing used the ones that used to be his friends to burn him with hot water. This was done to break his spirit. Afterwards every member of The Longing in pairs of two would hold hands with only their left hand and throw stones at Demarcus with their right hand. This was done to break his hope.

The Longings only united to do the work that is in their hearts. That work is to destroy strength and hope. It was a strange thing because they destroyed the very thing that they needed to recharge. It could be compared to no one caring about the pollution in the air until they can no longer breathe without oxygen tanks. When Demarcus was almost broken he looked at his arms and legs where he was tortured with hot water and saw no burns. He then looked at his face in the mirror and saw no bruises from the stones that were thrown at him.

Walking Again

In that moment he realized that The Longings only have the permission to break you mentally and spiritually. He realized that they were weak and he pitied them. In that moment his heart felt a sadness for them and he asked himself again “why do I care?” He got up that day and started walking. As he walked they threw boiling water, stones and hurled insults. Whilst this was happening Demarcus held on to hope and they started to drop one by one. He then reached a mountain and he saw a twinkle at the top. Therefore, he started to climb the mountain. Once he reached the top of the Mountain he felt the spirit of God within him giving him the ultimate powers of strength and hope.

The Longings looked at him at the top of the mountain and each person in their spot started to go into the ground. The pit that they were in was as deep as the one they each dug for Demarcus. All of the dirt gathered in a net connected to a lever which Demarcus held in his right hand. At that very moment he had two options. Either he could pull the lever and bury them or just walk away. He looked away from them and pulled the lever. Which some would say was cruel but he knew there was no other way to co-exist with The Longings. He cries as he leaves this place of hopelessness still asking himself, “why do I care?”

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