They Hate You

Haters Like To Be In Your Presence

Today’s topic of the day is; why do people seek the attention of someone they hate? Throughout life every single person that has grown to hate me attempted to control me. Every person that hates me still attempts to be in my presence. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t seek to be in the presence of a person that disturbs my spirit. As a matter of fact I have been through a lot in life and I now prefer to be alone or with people that I know their intentions are good. Call it what you want but I am the one that has to live my life. I don’t hate anyone but I prefer not to put too many more heartbreaks on my spirit.

They Are Always Playing Mental Gymnastics

Ever since I can remember I have always preferred separation over drama. This can be a good and a bad thing. Some people will understand how much you value your peace. Therefore they will try to muzzle you by disturbing your peace. If you really want to know if a person hates you; be vulnerable with them. They will take that vulnerability and slowly pick away at it.

It is better to give a person a reason to expose themselves than to keep a wolf in your life. If you are an independent person and everyone comes to you for help, say no sometimes. A lot of people come to you because they know there is no requirement for them to help in your life. So you are like a glass of water that they can drink from, but they never have to fill the glass. Once you say no you will find that these individuals will act as if you betrayed them.

Give The Real Intention A Reason To Show Up

It is better that they expose themselves than for you to keep allowing them to drain you of your kindness. These people don’t even think you deserve human decency. For them you are strictly someone to be used to their benefit. They seek your attention because they know that you are a good person. In their mind they feel they need to control how your good deeds are applied to the world. When they are unable to do this you will be like an enemy. Be careful of flattery; in most cases it is used so that devaluation can be effective. Personally, I love when people expose themself. Most likely my spirit already felt it, and now I have a reason to draw the lines clearly. Once they make it clear that they dislike you; you can now say let’s separate ourselves.

Don’t Allow Them To Steer Your Life

People want you to be afraid to take the steering wheel in your life. Pay attention because they will never have a problem with you when you are driving your car straight to hell. The issues will arrive when you turn that car around and drive the other way. Something on the inside of them gets triggered by this. It triggers them to be focused on bringing you back to where you were by shunning you. When you decide to live a better life, be prepared to lose people. Always trust that the Most High will give you the people that he deems worthy in your life. 

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