team project

Team leader-s

Every Friday is team project day at Alexander Elementary School. There is a boy named Michael. The boy is 6 years old, very smart, and in the 1st grade. His teacher Misses Caiden would often choose him to be the leader of a team project. Michael is an amazing leader as long as the project does not involve sweet treats. Candy was his weakness. He would eat so much of it until he was jumping all around the classroom and forgets about the task. As long as there are no sweets he is very focused and committed to the team project.  The kids in his group names were James, Perry, and Kamiya.

The 2nd group in the classroom was led by a boy named Jackson. Jackson is 7 years old, very smart, but lazy. His teammates are Britney, Tamia, and Chris. His parents do not allow him to eat much candy. When there was candy at school he only had an appetite for a couple pieces.

The 3rd group was led by a boy named Erin. Erin’s teammates were Darren, Kiara, and Jeremiah. Most group competitions were either won by Erin or Michael because Jackson would get bored and fall asleep. Therefore it was hard for him to rise to his full potential.

Project Task

Misses Caiden asked the groups for a team project that consist of creating a sentence for each word of  the alphabet. She chose the group leaders based on who had the highest test scores. They were all very smart and if dedicated could be great leaders. The prize is a small basket of candy and a toy for each person in the winning group. Michael’s plan was to show at least two words for each alphabet. Jackson had a plan of 3 words for each alphabet and already knew all of the words he wanted to use. While Erin only had one word for each alphabet.

Team Planning

Michael saw the candy sitting on the desk and kept sneaking pieces to eat each time Misses Caiden turned her head . He had eaten most of the reward before he even started on the project. He became hyper and only wanted to play. Jackson told his team we are using 3 words for each alphabet. Once he got to letter C he told them the 3 words and then he decided to take a nap. He thought to himself “I have given them the plan and they should be able to execute it while I take a nap. He had snuck out of bed the night before school. In addition he stayed up the whole night watching spongebob.

Erin discussed the plan with his team and told them how he was able to come up with a word for Each letter. Erin says “I just remember all of my favorite riddles and the words just come.” His entire team started to do this and they all would come up with words together. Erin was very good at spelling words. Therefore he would look over the sentences that everyone created and provide corrections. He actually wanted to help his team to be great so they all got along. At only 6 years old he was very patient. He was very wise at giving corrections without degrading his teammates. He knew what it took to win the prize.

Project Results

At 2:00 Misses Caiden asked each group to present their project. Michael and his group were first. Michael tried to fast talk his way out of the fact that he had no project to present. Literally he was talking at the speed of lightning due to all the candy he had eaten. He came up with an elaborate story that a dog snuck in the classroom and ate their project.

 Jackson’s team  was 2nd to present. His 3 team mates went to the front of the class while Jackson was still asleep at the desk. They came up with three words for each alphabet like Jackson instructed. The only problem was they were not good at spelling so for the letter E they used the word dolphin. The project was full of errors. Once Jackson awakened he berated his team saying “I could have won if I had a better team.”

Erin’s team was 3rd to present. Although they only used one word for each alphabet the writing was neat. Sentences for each letter were full of creativity. Every word was spelled correctly. Erin and his team won the contest and the candy wasn’t even the real prize. The real prize was a pizza party for the winning team. The pizza party was so fun. There was pizza, cake, candy, and a bounce house. While Erin’s team enjoyed the party; Michael and Jackson’s team had to stay back and work on their alphabets.

Learn poetry concepts.

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