Poetry resources

All About Poetry

Here you will find all poetry resources for writing poetry. In addition we provide the best history of all poetry in our resources. Writing poetry can be an amazing hobby. Your poetry is only limited by your imagination. It is best to keep your focus on the topic of the poem. Let your topic lead the poem and not the other way around. You can write a poem in a day, week, or even months. There is no time frame in completing the feeling that makes a person write poetry. In addition all poetry writing methods are different for each person.

Therefore there are methods to improve your writing of poetry. Before you start to write poetry, find your best style. Start with one poetry style although you should not hold yourself to limitations. Once you are comfortable you can add another poetry style to your craft. A style is primarily made up of voice and tone. Secondly, determine your reason for writing a poem. Make sure that you are writing poetry because you are passionate about it. Third, read poetry from other writers.

Learn Your Poetry Style

Do not imitate their style because it will take away from your own. Nevertheless reading others poetry can give inspiration and different points of view. This will also help you understand poetry forms through real examples. Fourth, try free writing poems; this will help take the mental pressure off your brain. Fifth you would need to create a poem scheme. This poem scheme would entail the problem, climax, and the resolve. Having a poetry scheme will provide order in your writing. Lastly Identify your audience. A good poet will understand their audience’s perspective.

With this understanding you can best convey a message to your audience. Once you have the poetry basics, present your work to others. Getting different opinions is a good thing as long as you know what to do with them. Therefore you will use outside opinions to improve your poetry. It is important that you do not allow outside opinions to change your poetry. Once you feel a poem is ready be sure to proofread your writing. Oftentimes you will find a writing error that needs correcting.

Poetry Facts

The literature of poetry evokes emotion. The emotions of poetry can be happiness, sadness, love, anger, or excitement. It is an artistic literature of focused imaginative awareness based on specific experience or idea. Poetry is an ancient art form in which language is used for its aesthetic qualities. Writings of poetry are condensed form writing styles. Defined by its rhythm qualities, poetry is an interplay with words. Some of the most important things about poetry is it conveys a thought, or tells a story in a literary arrangement of words.

Poetry Styles

Art of poetry language qualities are phon-aesthetics, sound symbolism, and meter. Which is to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of a language in its plain form. Form is the style used in poetry. There are many different forms such as structure, meter, rhyme, topic, or a pattern. The ultimate form of creative literature is poetry. Poets are rhythmic storytellers. Therefore many times a poet intermingles with book writing. Equally important poetry communicates by means of a set of visible marks that are related, by convention, to some particular structural level. What’s more poetry displays feelings using symbols, letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces to communicate to the reader.

Listening to examples of poetry is an amazing way to hear the way a writer puts their heart into their work.  Furthermore poets who recite are considered spoken word poets. Equally important spoken word is a very compassionate poetry form. These writers sometimes come to tears when reciting the poem. Most poetry that is spoken comes from the need to release what has been bound. Saying the words out loud frees the poet of the feeling.