Layers Of Black

More Than What Greets The Eye

The layers of black are many. I realized over the last few days how beautiful the color black is. Minus the black heart I referred to in the poem un-tied. Nonetheless black resembles the night. Animals even love the night. There is a level of safety mixed with a level of danger in the night. It feels good to go to a busy well lit park that sits over the ocean at night. The night provides privacy that is either used to do good or evil. You are either in peace or at war at night. In the animal world hunting is more exercised at night. The joys of camping reach its best moments at night. There is something about the night that eases anxiety. This is only in settings where you feel safe. On the opposite end the night can increase anxiety.

I remember dark nights getting off of the bus walking alone. My anxiousness would be through the roof. When I finally reached home I then would sit on the porch in my safety nest and enjoy the peace of the night. Laying out looking at the stars and the moon just makes things quiet in your mind. Your own thoughts become a vibe. It’s like you are still thinking but the thoughts are so gentle that it feels like you are not. The layers of black fits every occasion. Business attire loves black. Gothic loves black. Even funerals love black. Which makes me think why is a beautiful color like black so sad in a way. One reason I guess is because there is danger associated with the color.

Safe & Dangerous

Nevertheless there is also safety associated with black. Have you ever heard of a little black dress? If you are going for sexy but also trying to slim down it is the dress of choice. It is safe because the color slims you down but it is dangerous because it is little. Ladies by the way you will get more respect by throwing away the little black dresses. I just had to throw that in there because I believe that we should dress with a level of respect for ourselves. Guns are black in most cases and also carry a level of danger and safety. You won’t see too many people with a white gun. In human designs white colors are used to represent pure and clean. Which makes sense because stains can easily be seen on white.

If I am being honest white really does represent a level of purity. I can’t really agree that black represents danger but sixty five percent of it does. The remaining thirty five percent represent peace and safety. Still, I do have a question. Have you ever seen a black or a white human? I know I haven’t. Both of these beautiful colors represent different things. Racism decided to put color labels onto humans. All to brainwash the world into thinking that Caucasian people are pure and African Americans are dangerous. I do think that some designs like all black at funerals are used to make the color black seem depressing and sad. Death is one of the saddest realizations.

Programming The Masses

With the color black being associated with so much disparity, giving a black label to African Americans is programming the masses to associate a certain group with disparity. It is a subtle meditation that programs a group to play out the role of hopelessness. Furthermore this enables the attempts of placing “black” people at the bottom. Like many have pointed out before in other countries people are not defined by such labels. In Mexico their people are Mexican. In Jamaica their people are Jamaican. Nonetheless, in Africa their people are African. In Europe their people are European. Notwithstanding, in Japan their people are Japanese.

Now why is it that in America people are being labeled with labels that strip away all culture? Many African Americans have stated that they prefer not to be called a black person. Why won’t America listen to these concerns? America has these labels in place to keep the world brainwashed. Black and white people don’t exist. Give those colors back to purpose. America if you don’t have a name for your people; why didn’t you just call all of them Americans? I am sure that labeling people as black and white was a well thought out plan in America’s racism. Personally with all of the mental and physical abuse that has been done on the citizens of America; I would rather African Americans and Caucasian Americans come up with their own labels for what they want to be known as.

No Longer Needing Acceptance

Then again why did they need to come up with black and white people; when African American and Caucasian American clearly makes more sense. Due to America’s history of racism I understand why we can’t all just be American; too much hurt is there. At this point, I would be ashamed to be American. Still, America’s labeling of black and white is practicing racism. The layers of black are many. So often the purity in black is never acknowledged, but always subconsciously seen. Since these labels have been placed on African American people to cause harm; I would say, never underestimate the layers of black.

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