Everyone Does Not Process The Same
The world today has an all or nothing mindset. Insecurities does not automatically equal jealousy. I mean it would be nice if I had a Rolls Royce, but I won’t get mad at my friend for having one. Should my friend then assume that I am jealous of her Rolls Royce because I don’t have one? No she should not. Your friend getting a Rolls Royce should not trigger dissatisfaction with your Honda. Actually if she did make that assumption without cause that would actually be a toxic trait within her. If a person has given you no reason to believe that they are jealous then you have no reason to think that way.
It Is About The Behavior
The only way that you would think that way without signs of jealousy being shown towards you is if that is who you actually are. It is not a reflection of them but a reflection of you. Therefore by assuming this you would be the jealous friend if the tables were turned. You would be the friend that is jealous when your friend also gets a Rolls Royce. In addition you actually were the one competing with your friend who had less. It is what happens when a jealous person gets all of the physical things they ever wanted. This kind of person then wants you to look up to them as the epitome of all greatness.
Rich In Spirit
This person still falls in the category of wanting to keep a person in a shell. All of the material possessions can not cleanse a person from having a jealous spirit. I felt this article was important to write because I don’t want to confuse the reader into thinking that just because a person has less it does not qualify them as jealous of another. Jealousy is based on how the person treated you. A person can be homeless and be more rich in spirit than a rich person. People that are rich in spirit do what is in their ability and do not hate what is not in their ability. For me this is only a thing that you can understand when understanding that the Most High is in control.
It Is About The Treatment
The perfect analogy of this is sow, water,pray, and wait. After that it is up to the Most High. When you understand this you never have a reason to blame others. Did you sow? Were you watering? Did you Pray? Were you patient? If you have done these things and did not get what you wanted then it was not in line with the plan of the creator for your life. I say that we all have insecurities because we do. Nevertheless, all insecurities do not lead to jealousy.
Those two words only go hand in hand with toxic individuals. Two people can go through the same trauma. One person can decide to take it out on others and the other can decide to love others. We can’t have it all, and being insecure about something does not make you a bad person. It is all about how you treat others that determines jealousy.
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