Inspirational Poetry titled I'll Get There Walking

(Poem) “I’ll Get There Walking”

This poem (Get There Walking) was inspired by how tiring the constant task of life can be. -Author Urban Poems-

Life is soo busy, Things are never ending, It can feel kinda dizzy
Some days I just quit, and I sit, and focus on my hobbies, you know, that kinda shit.
It feels lit, until the memories of the dishes hit, I go for a walk, forcing a little time
to stay fit; while the street lights are still lit. Wondering if I have limes or did I forget.
But it’s a two edged sword… because without chores; I’d be bored. At least Staying busy brings
rewards, like clean floors and open doors, to hallways to bigger doors. Hard work has a
harvest, so if it’s worth it, I work the hardest,even if I’m not the smartest… because endurance
reaches targets. Keep your eyes fixed, don’t get caught up in the mix, as long as you don’t quit, or
or get too lit, you’ll benefit. 

All Poetry at Urban Poems are for expression only. This particular poem is titled I’ll Get There Walking. Artistic writing literature provides concentrated awareness; that is imaginative. Some forms of creative text attempt to express truths about life, tell a story, or honor God. In addition many different styles cause difficulty in defining. There are 9 different forms of poetry. What’s more, these forms are Haiku; which is an ancient form of Japanese expressions. There is free verse and it is a modern version. Its meaning is the freedom to write in any form.

 Furthermore 14 lines Sonnet writers deal with love. Moreover there is Acrostic, which spells out a name, word, phrase or message with the first letter of each line of the poem. Made up of 19 lines and five stanzas of three lines goes by the name of Villanelle. Limerick creations are funny and at times can be rude. Ode Musically performed pieces are nice on the ears. Particular subject Elegy is clear and direct. Last but not least there is Ballad that typically tells a dramatic emotional story.

Full literature on poetry here.

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