Drifting into Peace

Thinking Peaceful Thoughts

As I lay here drifting into peace; at this moment I forget about my troubles. As I snuggle with myself rubbing my feet together slightly smiling. I get up to look out at the beautiful rain. There was a storm outside today. I wonder sometimes; what is it about hard rain that calms the soul? It is so beautiful and it makes me so happy. All I want to do right now is to keep drifting further and further into peace.

I think about things that I have no idea how to do like climbing trees lol. Although I know it sounds silly it just makes me think about the beauty of nature. In retrospect I sometimes think about nothing or I think about thinking about nothing. Either way it is peaceful. Even when I think about nothing I always think about the Most High while in the midst of thinking about nothing. I think about how he has blessed me to be able to bask in a moment of peace.

Moments Of Rest

While laying here thinking that I am thinking about nothing I write this article. While writing I close my eyes in between sentences in order to feel the tingle of peace. For me I feel the tingle in my brain, lower legs, stomach, and heart. I know for people who don’t understand it may sound like a heart attack lol. Honestly it is the best feeling ever. It just feels like reaching the destination after drifting into peace.

When you close your eyes and just enjoy the moment it’s like you can see a whole lot of space in your head. It seems like you are looking into a whole other world. It is like a dark purple-ish color with a burst of light as if the sun is peeking in. Everything is perfect even if it is just for a moment. I know that real life is right around the corner but as long as I hold on to this it makes all burdens so much lighter.

Finding The Good

I guess for me thinking about nothing other than the feelings that the Most High has given me in this moment is what I mean by thinking about nothing. While drifting into peace you are actually thinking but the thoughts are without burdens. Thinking in general seems like such a stressful process unless you incorporate thinking about what is beautiful. It’s like giving yourself pep talks.

For example I would think I don’t feel like washing the dishes. Then I would think how much better I feel when I cook a good meal. It may sound simple but it makes me happy when I cook meals that are better for our health. Or I could think I don’t want to work today but then I think about the good feeling of handling my business. One thing that helps me in life is always shifting my thoughts towards a resolution and accepting if there is none.

Finding Resolutions

For example if you lose a finger it’s gone but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road. It just means now you have to learn how to do everything with nine fingers instead of ten. Losing a finger or etc. sometimes motivates you to be better than you were before. When you lose something that is when the value of it becomes apparent. With that, the value of the things that you still have also become apparent.

Smile because you have a lot to look forward to. Recognize what you are up against and overcome every single obstacle. Work hard even if there is no one in the stands rooting for you. Just imagine you fell off of a bike and you were able to see the faces of everyone that saw you and kept riding. It is a blessing to know the faces of people who silently despise you. Now don’t get it twisted if you are a habitual user of others that is probably why they don’t want to help you.

It’s The Principle

From the opposite point of view, if you don’t ask for much but you asked that when people come to visit your art store to sign in at the door because something so small makes others feel comfortable. Instead of signing in, some people come in, enjoy the art; and then pretend they were never there. When I ask people to do something to support the work here I already know who the people are that are riding by at night in black cars.

The secret is to never look at the passersby. They are not all bad people but at the same time looking at them is distracting you from riding your bike, that’s probably why you fell off of it. Only look to make sure you don’t get hit by a car. Sometimes that is the Most High’s way of reminding me that it is not about them. We can never see through the eyes of the Most High so sometimes when people come into your store and pretend they were never there it is for your protection.

Enjoy The Moments

Some people want to be your friend only to rob the store. I don’t mind telling you the secrets to how I continually create. I don’t care to keep it a secret because creativity has no limit. You can be creative as you want to be and it will only add more beauty to the world. There is no such thing as a creator’s blockage. In all actuality it is not a blockage; it is the consequence of trying to create from outside of yourself.

If I am feeling nervous that the work is not good I put it out anyways just to move on from it. It’s like throwing the nerves in the trash and cleaning your house to move new furniture in. Creative literally means the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. You can’t do that if you don’t have time to think about your own thoughts uninterrupted. Jealousy kills all creativity, authenticity, and peace. How can you enjoy anything if you are constantly in a one-sided competition? Let it go. Focus on your own growth. Enjoy the moments when you have a few minutes of quiet time. It makes hills so much easier to climb.

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