Influence Is The Game
This is my personal opinion on how I believe demon-s influence behavior. This opinion was developed through my observation of individuals who seem to be on demon time. Anyone can be influence-d by a demon if you are not careful. It is kind of creepy even writing about this to be honest. I usually wouldn’t even read anything like this, lol. However I am writing about it, so let’s get on with it. With that, I must say that there are things that I don’t know about in the spiritual realm that makes this not true for some people.
Hi-jacked Emotions
My belief is that demonic forces control the emotions of the person; but the person is in control of their own brain. For example if a person wants to harm another person they try to find that said person’s weakness, correct? So what if you somehow convinced that person that your weakness is them giving you a hug everyday. Once they are convinced they start to give you hugs everyday because in their mind they are showing you how much they hate you. The feeling of hatred is there but their brain is not smart enough to comprehend that they have been deceived into showing you love. In their minds they are hurting you.
Hard Decisions
You can feel irritated by another person’s presence although they have done no wrong to you. Sometimes your spirit’s just don’t mesh. Aside from that, the feeling is there but what you do with it is completely up to your brain. Just the same with jealousy, sexual immorality, greed, etc. The feeling is given to you from demonic forces but what you do with it is up to your brain. Notwithstanding, some people’s brains are completely destroyed or under-developed. In those circumstances a demon has more control. The reasoning is because once the demon plants the feeling the brain has little or no emotional intelligence to fight back. Therefore the actions following the feeling can be explosive.
As Long As It Is Satisfied
It is my belief that if a person is set on doing evil but believes that evil is good and good is evil that they will do good thinking that they are doing evil. As long as the wicked emotion is satisfied the brain can be deceived. Just the same, this is why there are different levels to narcissism and cluster b disorders. Every person satisfies their emotional needs at a different level. Whatever their brain tells them is satisfying that emotion which the demon implanted. I must say all of this is completely a theory. I have tested this theory out and it seems to be accurate on some levels. Nevertheless, I hope I didn’t scare anyone by talking about this. For those interested in this type of thing I just wanted to share my thoughts on it.
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