Urban Rants

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Urban Rants

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1 year ago

Remember to check in by hitting the like button. 💛💚💛

Last edited 10 months ago by Urban Poems
Every single time
11 months ago

I be so glad when people show me how much they hate me because I be avoiding talking about stuff trying to spare feelings, but why would I keep avoiding talking about the truth to spare my enemies feelings? I never talk about things to be malicious but even if it’s not malicious it can still hurt feelings sometimes and that’s why I don’t keep to many friends because when feelings get hurt people start plotting. It don’t matter how gentle you deliver the message them demons still gonna shoot the messenger. A lot of times passive aggressive people like to keep you in a place where their not your friend but their not your enemy either and that’s to keep you quiet.

Did you really think you were in charge?
11 months ago

We are all pieces on the board; the moment you think that you are the king or Queen piece, sadly you have lost the game. Get on the right side of the board (if that’s where you belong) and play your role.

This Chess game has the same winner repeatedly
11 months ago

If you are saying that God told you to be a stalker; hmm ???? maybe he allowed you to do the things that are in your own heart for his good. Nevertheless he still gonna charge you for your actions. You see, God is the only one playing Chess the proper way and if you don’t find yourself on the proper side of the board, You will lose the game.

It is no longer your fight
11 months ago

If you are black and your spouse is not; you have made a decision so stand on your decision and if you are a black woman with another race man keep black men’s image out of your mouth. If you are a man with another race woman; keep black women’s image out of your mouth. Let the people that are still in the battle of working on black marriages and relationships sort it out. Stay out of it. Put an image of the nation you are married to and give advice on that without mentioning black people. And if things are perfect over there then you should be happy you made the right decision and shut up. You have No say so in the matter. Keep us out of your mouth.

11 months ago

I’m snitching periodt!!! 🤣🤣🤣

I crack myself up
11 months ago

Look y’all I’m gonna be going up to the hackers trying to get some info and they gonna be treating me like the police.. 🤣🤣🤣

Now how this turn into a poem 😂🤣🤣
11 months ago

I might have to find that person again and if they really are a hacker I might pay them to teach me so that I can teach y’all… So that we can stop these stalkers from watching us like a fly on the wall.. the time is coming for the devil’s downfall.. after all, the clock has reached midnight.. so there’s no time to stall..

Let’s Make November Stalkers Awareness month
11 months ago

In case y’all want to know my response to the person that said they were a hacker. I said “shidd teach me what you know” lol 😂😂 of course they didn’t tell me nothing tho because if they would have I would of told all of y’all and the hack would be useless

Let’s Make November Stalkers Awareness month
11 months ago

I will talk about more things concerning protecting ourselves from stalking in November. I am still learning, so as I learn more so will you. I told a random person about this so that they could be aware and they literally said “they not gonna get me, I’m a hacker.” Lol so hacking is happening a lot people. That is why I am raising awareness. One other tip I will say right now is turn off access to your mic and camera on your phone when you are not using them.

Let’s Make November Stalkers Awareness month
11 months ago

I was going to write an article to warn people about electronic stalking. Lately I haven’t had a lot of time to publish an article so here is a rant to warn people. When I first discovered I was being stalked there was not enough information that is easily accessible to help the victims of stalking. In this rant I want to talk about some of the things I learned about electronic stalking. My hopes is that this can help someone else. I understand why there is not a lot of information available. In my opinion I believe that there is a fear of giving more stalkers the tools to stalk as they please. The reality of the situation is stalkers have already grown in numbers through word of mouth. With that being said victims need to grow in awareness. Therefore let’s jump right into some of the ways stalkers are hacking your devices. One huge one that I believe I fell for at least a few times is spoofed emails. These type of emails mimic real email addresses. Business emails such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, or etc could be targeted through a spoof attack. Emails in a spoof attack can appear legitimate. This is dangerous because if your stalker has Intel on who you do business with they can send you a fake email pretending to be that business. You may receive an email stating someone tried to change your password. This is intended to get access to your Google account. Hackers are also stealing iCloud credentials to gain access to your iphone. We need to be more aware of the permissions we are giving to websites when logging in. My recommendation would be to use a separate email for your phone that is not linked to anything at all. Be careful about giving any apps or websites All access to your device. Check your downloads and drive to make sure there is no spyware there also. Also hackers are intercepting certain links and after stealing information from you or downloading stalkerware on your device you will be redirected to the correct website. Do your research on spoofed emails. The stalker that I am dealing with sent me an email from my own email address using spoofing. Of course my email provider recognized it as a spoof because it was from my own email address. Nevertheless many times your email provider will not notice it as spam when the hacker spoofs the emails of businesses. From my research I have learned that if stalkers can access your Google account or iCloud they can access your phone. My recommendation if you have been targeted by a stalker is to never click on links again. As far as protecting your pc goes making complicated user names and log on passwords would go a long way to protect you from hackers accessing through back door access on your PCs to remotely monitor you. Also for that I would say don’t click on links. Hopefully this helps somebody. I am not an expert but this is what I have learned since becoming a victim of electronic stalking. If you didn’t know these things and are a content creator or if you know someone is obsessed with you factory reset your PCs via USB (look it up online how to do it) delete all partitions and create a better username and password. Factory reset your phone and do not use the same email on your phone. If your stalker has ever had physical access to your phone get a new one because if they root your phone a factory reset can not resolve the issue. Without making this too long hopefully I helped someone with my experience that I went through and is still going through because multiple devices were hacked.

One day
11 months ago

Y’all gonna learn one day that some people are not built like what you are used to. And the things you do to try to hurt them will only build more good qualities and character in that person. Not saying that some things don’t hurt my feelings but I gain more from my feelings being hurt than I lose if you get my drift.. How y’all think I became the person I am today… Shout out to all my haterrsss…

The nerve of a stalker
11 months ago

When stalkers get mad because they “overheard” you talking about them in your own home. 🫤 If you are a content creator (that is not crazy) do not give out your emails connected to your mobile device, don’t click on links, make more complicated admin user names and passwords for your home PCs. Because these hackers that are also content creators will hack you and then use that information that they get from hacking you to hack other people around you. So just be careful people. Whatever people seek to prove by hacking me it does not even matter. Because for you to go that far social media has taken over your brain but not mine. They want you to be paranoid about who’s hacking you but the games these content creators/ stalkers play are evident. It’s not the government it’s just content creators that know how to use stalkerware. So what if you know how to hack me? I never claimed to be some kind of tech pro. But on the other hand some of you are very experienced stalkers…

Hate to argue
11 months ago

One thing about me is I hate to argue so if you disagree with me on anything that is your right to do so, but I don’t have anything to prove because whether I am right or wrong the truth still stands over egos. I listen to things that sound logical if you can’t present a logical explanation on why I should rethink something then I don’t care. If you don’t care that I don’t care that’s fine too because I don’t care if you don’t if you are looking for an argument. I will talk with you all day if I feel like there is some sort of progress to the conversation if not I’m out.

Repair the Breach
11 months ago

I will always repair the breach… I can only be down for so long before I offer my own hand to reach.. looking disaster in the eye, I tell resolution to pull up a seat.. my broken heart goes to war.. torn in two my heart still beats, only through the strength of my Father’s speech.. when I was hungry you threw me a rope instead of peach.. because you are the one that always knows that saving my life should be first before I eat..

Revolving doors
11 months ago

The changes of life is a mystery that at times I rather leave unsolved… but with no investigation of the unknown I can never evolve.. so I walk down the dark hall not knowing what’s next or who’s involved.. sometimes I cry because of what I find is just another mystery that needs to be solved.. or I cry because the answer is a broken heart.. and when you finally see the light.. there’s no cushion to break the fall.. so now you must learn once again.. how to crawl.. life is one of those things that teaches you over and over again, how to walk and how to stand tall..

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Urban Rants were created to have a space to say random thoughts, rants, or feelings. This page is open to the public for all to post. Still, Please be respectful of others in the Urban Poems community. Sometimes you just need to say it out loud without making it into a big deal. That is what Rants & Raves is for. I feel this is a great option for visitors of Urban Poems to get a vibe of others by using Community Post. Urban Rants was created because I myself love to express random thoughts.

Even so typing it out loud just gets it off of my chest. Most Social Media forces you to create a profile; which let’s face it people will stone you for anything you say. At least here you can just change your username and keep chatting lol. Hey let them argue with themselves. With that being said that doesn’t mean you should be a troll. It is just to say that you can abandon a social media disagreement if you wish. Anyways, chat away.  


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No bullying, this is a mature community where we do not intimidate to get our point across. Furthermore, we ask that everyone is mature enough to know how to have healthy debates. In addition, everything that we do we expect a level of integrity.

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