Urban Rants

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Urban Rants

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1 year ago

Remember to check in by hitting the like button. 💛💚💛

Last edited 10 months ago by Urban Poems
Same issues for far too long
11 months ago

The one that gets blamed is blamed because they are expected to lead.. So, who’s taking the blame? Should they be taking the blame? A team can never be great if the captain of the team is expecting his followers to lead the way.. When kids get into trouble you go to their parents for a resolution or even in some cases you go to their parents to take the blame.. for example you go to the parents to pay for damages.. Who is taking the blame in the black community for everything that goes wrong? If a man goes out to commit a crime his wife somehow becomes the blame for the reason he committed his crime. If a man commits adultery his wife is blamed. I am not saying that women are innocent but placing her in a position to take all of the blame places her in a position of leadership. As long as this continues we will never grow because your follower will never be able to lead you no matter how much you blame them. However a team operates is a direct reflection of it’s leader.. We all know who the assigned leaders are.. I have never seen a business do good without good management.. If a man of another nation does something despicable, he himself takes the blame.. Or he just blames it on a whole other nation of men but never his woman.. I never hear them saying but she did this or that.. Moral of the story if you want better.. as a leader you should take initiative and stop waiting on your followers to make the first move.. Don’t take this with a grain of salt because it is not an attack because I know that some women are low down and dirty but this message is for the leaders.. I can’t tell the assigned weaker vessels to take the lead. If they try like they have been forced to do we will continue chasing our tails..

Chocolate 4real
11 months ago

Please keep chocolate away from me.. I turn into the chocolate monster lol

There is no excuse
11 months ago

If you are a content creator that participates in stalking people. I don’t want to hear you advocating for s***. YOU ARE A STALKER. GO GET HELP. That is not normal behavior I don’t care how many other sick people join you in stalking. Yes I am still talking about these stalkers because I was stalked for a very long time and I will talk about it until I no longer want to talk about it. I learn more and more about what happened to me as time goes and this is what I feel about it. People always claiming the followers are the ones being obsessed with people when in reality it’s other content creators.

Smh my how things have changed
11 months ago

It’s easier to keep roaches out of your house than to get rid of them after they set up shop.. they know their way around.. their familiar with all of the cracks in the wall.. they have moved in.. and we all know it’s much harder to evict someone than to sign a lease to move in.. moral of the story build strong walls.. and keep the house clean.. I can almost bet that many people know that roaches are eating a hole through your wall but nobody says anything.. some even go in after the roaches.. that speaks volumes to how humanity has fallen.. swift to do evil but hesitant to do a good deed..

Team Smiley Butts
11 months ago

Smiley butts.. I heard somebody was mad.. What do we say to that.. 🤣🤣🤣 please team crazy don’t take offense because I know y’all got issues in the head… 🤣🤣🤣 Team smiley butts try not to laugh too hard we don’t want to offend nobody..

11 months ago

Hey smiley butts 🙃 y’all want that to be y’all nickname 🤣🤣🤣 smiley butts lol

Love y’all
11 months ago

Good New Day Y’all… Isn’t it just a beautiful day, a little chilly for a nice light sweater which bundles you in it’s comfort.. with a nice cup of coffee or tea if you prefer… While you’re taking your nice morning walking you’re smiling ear to ear, high off of the joy of the Most High

I’m sorry y’all 🤣🤣🤣
11 months ago

I think the Most High gave me a laughing pill today 🤣🤣🤣 this is so serious but so funnnnyyyyy… I’m gone spray y’all damn stalkers with some roach spray 🤣🤣🤣

These new age stalkers something else🤣
11 months ago

I feel like I’m on a episode of stalkers gone wild 🤣🤣🤣

The crazies gotta stop this madness
11 months ago

Why do crazy people always want me to KNOW that they are batshit crazy but want the other people to think they are not lol PLEASE LEAVE ME OUT OF IT! ACT NORMAL AROUND ME, I KNOW WHETHER YOU EXPOSE YOURSELF OR NOT SO JUST PUT THE MASK ON AND DON’T TURN INTO CHUCKY WHEN YOU SEE ME! 🤣🤣🤣 It’s funny and creepy at the same time!

11 months ago

If there is one person that knows of the situation that happened to me as far as me being stalked through my phone. Tell me if the person that helped; were they paid to do this? Or was it all just hate? I know who it was, I just want to know why? Send me what you know by contacting me on the contact page. I probably will not respond because at this moment I am still being cautious but if you send it I received it.

11 months ago

I was thinking and just talking in my head to the Most high thinking “father in the bible you supplied your people with a team when they had to go up against their enemies even if it were 300 of the Most High’s men against 3000 of Satan’s men they still had a team, but then I had the thought that I think was a reminder from the Most High and the thought was “Not all of Yah’s people had a team.” Before Abram became Abraham he was all by himself when he stood up to the king and was thrown in the fire.. before Joseph became a king he was all alone when he was thrown in a pit by his own brothers.. the point is none of them started with a team… They were all first tested all by themselves. Being alone when you still have a lot of growing to do builds character.. this step is necessary for anyone to build character.. some don’t make it through this step.. some join the dark side in the midst of this step.. but those that keep their eyes fixed on the Most High overcome this step.

11 months ago


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Urban Rants were created to have a space to say random thoughts, rants, or feelings. This page is open to the public for all to post. Still, Please be respectful of others in the Urban Poems community. Sometimes you just need to say it out loud without making it into a big deal. That is what Rants & Raves is for. I feel this is a great option for visitors of Urban Poems to get a vibe of others by using Community Post. Urban Rants was created because I myself love to express random thoughts.

Even so typing it out loud just gets it off of my chest. Most Social Media forces you to create a profile; which let’s face it people will stone you for anything you say. At least here you can just change your username and keep chatting lol. Hey let them argue with themselves. With that being said that doesn’t mean you should be a troll. It is just to say that you can abandon a social media disagreement if you wish. Anyways, chat away.  


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No bullying, this is a mature community where we do not intimidate to get our point across. Furthermore, we ask that everyone is mature enough to know how to have healthy debates. In addition, everything that we do we expect a level of integrity.

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