Nothing Is Free

Art Mentions & Benefits

This art piece is titled “Choices Are Not Free.” The earliest mentions of art dates back to 30 000 BP or later. Evolutions of art are from the Later Stone Age of Namibia. There are many African American artists who achieved greatness in their art endeavors. Norman Lewis is an African American artist who excelled in the world of abstract art. His paintings were very expressive and unique in nature.

Furthermore Horace Pippin started drawing with sketching race horses. His art transitioned to painting of consciousness and life. Quite the opposite was Alma Thomas who gained inspiration for her abstract art through nature. In addition art is a natural stress reliever. Adult coloring books are many times used to alleviate anxiety. With that, art gives humans the ability to go within to explore emotions.

Painting Styles

The painting style for Choices Are Not Free is Impressionism. What’s more, there are 7 main painting styles. The first is realism, in which the painting looks very similar to its intended mimicking. Secondly, there is a style known as painterly. This style is also realistic, but allows for non smoothing of the texture which may seem like a technical error. Thirdly, there is a style known as Impressionism. This style allows the artist to draw what looks like realistic images within a blurred surface.

Fourth there is expressionism and fauvism. This style is composed of bold color and seeks to express spooky or exotic in nature. Fifth is a paint style known as Abstraction. This style removes the main definition from its context, stripping it of fine details. Coming in at number six is the painting style abstract. This style is composed of colors and textures. Last but not least the seventh style is Photorealism. This style is meant to look identical as if it is an actual photo that was taken with a camera. Art has many layers to explore because it is what’s created from the imagination of mankind. The Creator of Choices Are Not Free is Urban Poems.

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