Bright Green

Looking Forward To Better Days

Grey, beige, and a bright green sits around me making a circle. It is like knowing there are better days ahead which are bright green; while grey and beige feels like I am just out of place but in place at the same time. Still, that green is so bright and pretty. Grey and beige have taught me so much though. It’s like there is no green without grey and beige. The green is like the color of a Granny Smith apple. So gentle but so bright. Also it is just so light on the belly.

A Weird Nightmare

Grey and beige is like a weird nightmare. It’s one of the odd nightmares. You know how when you have nightmares where you get into a fight. In these fights for whatever reason you are fighting in slow motion and it seems impossible to win. Then there are the every once in a while dreams where you just beat the hell out of your enemy lol. This grey and beige is like that. When I have dreams I usually realize I am dreaming while dreaming. So I know that usually I am not able to move that fast. Therefore it surprises me that the version of me in the dream is winning like that.

The Most High Runs The Show

It’s a grey and a beige that I know the Most High has all control of. Grey and beige are being used against itself to cancel each color out. Grey and beige are serving its purpose. Which is a very necessary purpose. I don’t like it; but yet it has revealed so many new things to me. When I really think about it I feel bad for grey and a little for beige. As grey and beige attacks me; I feel bad that there is nothing I can do to take it to the bright green with me. It hates bright green. If it made it to the bright green it would only devise plans to destroy it.

I Care But It Is Out Of My Hands

It makes my stomach sink a little knowing that grey and beige will always be followers of red. Grey and beige can not see how to thrive in the midst of green. I just wonder what could have been done differently to free grey and beige of its own prison. It is like grey and beige can only see red. Therefore confusing itself into trying to destroy green. Green and red are enemies. Red has attempted to destroy the reputation of green many many times. Red despises that green represents the trees, grass, plants, herbs and many earthly things. The versions of red that are a main focus is a cut in the skin, or an injury of some sort. It’s like in some ways red reminds you of a loss.

Focused On The Wrong Things

Every time red looks at green it is pissed. So red attempted to destroy greens reputation by creating money. Money is a root of all evil. I always wonder why red didn’t just maximize the beauty that it can bring to the world. Red has gifts. One of the many gifts of red are all of the healthy fruits that are red. Let’s not forget the beauty of a red rose. The most beautiful role that red plays is a woman’s ability to conceive. Which is a menstrual cycle. You see red has only focused on the negatives of a menstrual cycle not realizing that without one you can not bring life into the world. I just wish that red could see its value. Then maybe it will stop trying to destroy green.

Red Used You

Green and red have two different purposes; but red will never be able to see its purpose. Red has recruited grey and beige to work on its behalf. Grey and beige are hypnotized by red. The thing is, red loves no one. The future for grey and beige is despair because every color that follows red has a terrible ending. I can’t take you to the green with me because of all of the things that have happened. Nevertheless, there is a route for grey and beige to get to green on their own. First they would need to have a talk with the Most High to be purged of red. Then they will have to prove to the Most High they are worthy. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Only then can they make it to green.

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