To Cope

Coping Is A Virtue

The ability to cope has been one of my most valuable assets. Being able to cope has healed my heart from many wounds.
For some coping is seen as a loss, but in all actuality, it is a win. Coping is the ability to process the things you go through.
“If you can’t cope with it; you can’t heal from it.” Therefore to cope is a gift given from the Most High. Coping is healing.
With that, if you practice coping you would find your healing faster and easier with each trial.
The only possible way to cope is to be honest with yourself. You have to have the ability, to be honest with yourself.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Coping and truth go hand in hand. You can not cope with a real problem if your solution is based on a lie.
Moreover lying to yourself will take you in the opposite direction of coping. Lies cannot live with peace.
This is why some people will despise another for simply being able to move on from things that broke them in the past.
It makes them feel guilty for trying to process their hurt by hurting others.
When you are unable to cope, negative emotions will build in your heart, in your mind, your body, and your soul.

Nevertheless, everyone still has to keep moving forward whether they are coping or just using Band-Aids for life’s
ails. Furthermore, Band-Aids cause toxicity because what can not be healed internally will express itself externally.
One example of bandages is hurting other people because we lack control over the things that happen in our
own lives. People do this because they can not heal from the things that happen to them whether the problems
are big or small. Therefore hurting another person becomes the alternative. This method lies to its
owner by telling them that they are in control. Even if it’s just controlling someone else’s life it feels like power.
In addition, it tells them that coping is a weak trait.

Ignored Goes Un-healed

Which the return for this lie is more build-up of unresolved pain for its owner. It is a trick of
the devil to keep a person from healing. Coping is essential to be able to move forward
in a world where trial and tribulation are meant to make us more capable. Gaining the ability to cope is so essential
to have a healthy mind. Nonetheless, you can not do it without honesty. You have to be able to face yourself, your
situation, and possible outcomes. After you do this you move forward and
Think of everything when processing the situation.

Coping Is Processing

This is the process of being honest with yourself. Allow yourself to feel it. Nonetheless, do not stay in that space
you need to move forward to what can or can not be done to rectify the situation. There are times when
nothing can be done but accepting what is, which sometimes is the healing. We can not fix everything
but our spirits can have peace with every situation. Only after we have been honest with ourselves and
explored possible solutions to our problems. There are times when the problem can
be resolved but if there is betrayal of some sort healing still has to take place.

Weigh Rational Options

To heal you have to cope with what happened. For example, if someone you trust stole from you but repaid you when confronted; you
will still need to cope with the fact that they were willing to steal from you. If you can’t cope with this
you may make immature decisions like planning some sort of revenge. That is the first sign that you are not coping well.
Coping means you have been honest with yourself and searched for real solutions. Your friend who stole from
you is not trustworthy in their time of need is the truth.

You were repaid that solved the physical possessions problem.
Although there are times when we have to count our losses. If you are thinking of exacting revenge this is not
a person you can move forward with in a friendship. At least not right away. After you look at the situation clearly you can make a healthy decision.
In conclusion, to cope is the ability to process what you are feeling in a healthy way. Coping is peace. Peace is a gift from The Most High God.

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