Pieces of the puzzle

There is Plenty of Air

It’s okay to be able to see the beauty in things you yourself don’t have and understand that others have pieces of the puzzle. Jealousy stems from the perception of seeing someone else’s come up as your downfall. It doesn’t make you inadequate because you don’t have all of the pieces to the puzzle. Recently I talked about creating the pieces of the puzzle that you don’t have. However at times accepting that you don’t have all of the pieces and putting together what you have is all you need to do. Therefore, you need others to complete the puzzle.

Keep On Planting

The pieces are missing because the puzzle requires teamwork. The Most High gave each person a few pieces of the puzzle. He may bless one person to be good in the fields. It will seem like every seed they plant turns into a beautiful harvest. That doesn’t mean that you stop planting your seeds or look down upon your own. It just means wow the Most High really blessed their hands in the fields. I am a student of people who are skilled in different areas. I appreciate being able to learn from different people.

Furthermore the Most High may bless someone with the ability to make fishing look easy. It doesn’t mean you should feel bad because they are gifted in fishing. Just because they are great at fishing it shouldn’t change the fact that you enjoy fishing also. Maybe you are good at understanding nature and animals. There are so many different skills necessary to complete the puzzle. Singing, counseling, drawing, cooking, teaching are all skills.

Let Go Of The Hate

Too many times people are being attacked by others just for daring to be outwardly happy about their blessings. If you can’t tell your friends your goods news, those are not your friends. Hearing about somebody else being happy shouldn’t make you sad. However, I am not talking about the toxic fake happiness when they just want you to think they are happy and their energy is giving mad as hell. In addition, their mouths are yelling I’m happy over and over because they want to compete with your true joy. 

I am talking about when a person is genuinely feeling good about how their life is going it shouldn’t make you mad. Sometimes it just seems like people are just waiting on your marriage to fail, waiting on you to lose your job, waiting on you to get evicted. Life has ups and downs. Never use someone else’s downfall to prop yourself up and learn to be happy for others in their up seasons. With that being said, it is not always meant for you to complete the whole puzzle.

People Need People

One person definitely can not complete the Most High’s puzzle. If you think you can complete it by yourself; why weren’t you the only one created? Humans really do have a herd mentality.  Nonetheless we were created that way. This can be used against us or for us. Are you with the sheep that has thousands of members or  millions of members? I rather be with the sheep that has thousands of members because they are the thinkers.

Be Picky About Your People

The herd can be manipulated, that is why the media uses it against us. The larger the herd is the larger the lie. It is necessary for the sheep to follow the Most High in order to find freedom. Freedom from demonic strongholds that keeps a person’s spirit locked in bitterness, jealousy, depression, laziness, etc. There is a herd following the Most High too; you just can’t see the thousands as well as you can see the millions. One of the first things the Most High said to man is “it is not good forĀ  man to be alone.” Therefore it is okay to need others; as long as you choose your crew wisely.

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